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- u
- S E A T O S E A
- The Transcontinental Railroad Game
- by David M. Moorman
- Welcome to 1866! In a moment, you
- will face the greatest challenge in
- your life: To build a continuous
- ribbon of steel from SEA TO SEA!
- You have at your disposal a
- Utility Train (parked at Boston)
- which can lay or remove track, and
- build or remove stations. You also
- have 11 passenger/freight trains
- waiting in Vermont/New Hampshire,
- plus the Presidential Express, parked
- at our nation's Capitol. And, you
- have $50,000 (which goes fast) and
- just 365 days to complete your
- transcontinental quest.
- [DAY AND NIGHT] The screen border
- indicates the general time of day:
- it's light green during daylight and
- dark green during night.
- [LAYING TRACK] The U-Train is
- operated with the joystick. Push the
- joystick in the desired direction.
- Once the train is moving, you can
- press the ENTER key to make it follow
- the track automatically.
- The purpose of the U-train is to
- lay track. When the border is green
- (either light or dark), the U-train
- is in LAY MODE.
- When the border is light green,
- press the FIRE button and move the
- train into an open space. Track will
- mark your path. Track can turn 45
- degrees. To create switch track, move
- the U-train onto established track,
- press FIRE, and move away at a 45
- degree angle. If the track you are
- laying is to connect to existing
- track, you will have to back-track to
- complete the connection.
- Track can be laid only during
- daylight (light green border).
- [OUT OF RAILS] Far too soon, the
- U-train will quit laying track. A "NO
- RAILS" message will appear in the
- upper right corner of the screen. You
- will notice that the TON value is 0.
- You need more steel. Be careful to
- not run out when you are connecting
- track to the bumper end of another
- track -- especially connecting new
- trains or bridges.
- [REMOVING TRACK] One way to get
- more rails is to remove unwanted
- track. Press F7 to toggle to REMOVE
- MODE. The border will turn red (dark
- red at night). Pressing fire (when the
- border is light red) and moving the
- U-train to existing track will remove
- the track that was under the train.
- Track can be removed only during
- daylight.
- [MORE RAILS] are available at
- stations (straight track with a small
- box to the east or south). The shade
- of the station indicates how many
- loads of rails are currently in its
- yard -- with black indicating the
- maximum of three loads, and white
- indicating none. The Boston station
- begins with three loads of rails.
- Place the U-train on top of the
- station and press the <L> key. The NO
- RAILS prompt will be replaced and the
- TON value will become 255. (Note: the
- U-train cannot carry more than 255
- tons.)
- [STILL MORE RAILS] Trains 1-9, A-B
- can serve as freight trains, hauling
- rails to convenient stations. To
- engage a train for freight, connect
- it to the desired station plus a
- bumper track. Be sure all switches
- are turned or straight in the proper
- configuration (see CONTROL CURSOR,
- below). Then press CONTROL and the
- desired number or letter. This puts
- the train in a 24 hour warm-up
- period. When ready, the train will
- travel to the station, stop, hit the
- bumper track, and reverse its
- direction. When the train returns to
- its [original] siding, the color
- turns to gray, indicating that it is
- carrying rails. It will dump these
- rails at any station at which it
- stops.
- Now all you have to do is get the
- U-train in, load the rails, and get
- out before a wreck.
- Once started, trains cannot be
- turned off. Certain pauses can be
- scheduled at stations. (See CONTROL
- CURSOR, below.)
- [BUILDING STATIONS] You will need
- stations to handle rails, and to
- enable passenger traffic (The only
- way to make money!) Place the U-train
- on a straight north/south or
- east/west track segment and press the
- S key. When you move on, you will
- find a white station present. You
- have 79 stations at your disposal.
- [FREE RAILS] At various locations,
- you will see a section with three
- vertical rails. This indicates free
- rails. To load the rails, connect
- track, place a station on top of the
- free rails. It will have one load
- available. Press L to load.
- [PASSENGER TRAFFIC] When built, the
- station counts the number of houses
- within three spaces in each
- direction. This is the population
- that the station serves -- and
- affects the number of travelers from
- that station. You will need at least
- two stations on a line. (Travelers
- must go somewhere! Trains will not
- stop at the station they just left.)
- The simplest line (and fairly
- profitable) is to connect Boston with
- NYC, placing stations at each end.
- Run a switch into the line, connect
- one of the trains, and warm it up.
- Once the train is shuttling between
- stations, you will begin to (maybe)
- make money.
- Every time a train stops at a
- station, there is a chance of
- population increase. Houses will
- start to pop up in open spaces. These
- increase the revenue -- but make
- laying track more difficult (or
- impossible). PLAN AHEAD!! Especially
- plan for the Presidential Express,
- which can become rather "home-bound!"
- On the other hand, extensive track,
- especially in the soon congested
- Mid-Atlantic States, will curb
- revenue.
- [CONTROL CURSOR] To pause the game
- and get a chance to just look around,
- press F1. This turns on the Control
- Cursor (a green square in the middle
- of the screen). Use the joystick to
- move the cursor anywhere on the map.
- The Control Cursor also sends
- instructions to switches and
- stations. Place the cursor over the
- desired switch or station and press
- fire. Then press the number or letter
- of the desired train. Use the
- joystick to flip through the options
- shown at the left-top of the screen.
- Press FIRE to set. You may choose
- another train, or move the cursor
- with the joystick. To exit Control
- Cursor and get on with the game, move
- the cursor to any space that is not a
- switch or station and press FIRE.
- [SETTING SWITCHES] Switches are the
- most powerful function of the game.
- Remember, unless told to do
- otherwise, trains will travel
- straight through a switch. Using the
- Control Cursor, you can assign a turn
- or straight selection for each train
- that uses the switch. It is a good
- idea to check all switches before
- warming up a train or before moving
- trains into new areas.
- can be scheduled to pass through a
- station, pause for 1 hour, or wait
- for a scheduled departure time. Use
- the Control Cursor to select the
- station and press the number or
- letter of the desired train. Your
- options can be scrolled with the
- joystick:
- THROUGH - The train does not stop.
- PAUSE - The train stops 1 hour.
- Six AM
- Noon The trains leaves the
- Six PM station at this time.
- Midnite
- Again, press FIRE to set. To exit
- Control Cursor, move the cursor to
- any non-switch or non-station and
- press FIRE.
- [FOLLOWING A TRAIN] You can watch
- the progress of any train by pressing
- SHIFT and the desired number or
- letter. To stop the scrolling
- function, press the C= key.
- game, either before going to bed or
- before doing something stupid, press
- <Alt-ENTER> (if in full-screen mode),
- Then use the Windows mouse to click
- Tools > Save Snapshot. Give the
- Snapshop a name you can remember.
- Formerly saved games can be
- loaded by using the Windows mouse to
- click Tools > Load Snapshot. Choose
- the file you saved.
- [HELP KEY] Pressing H will pause
- the game and bring up a Help Screen
- with major commands listed. (<F3> now
- only allows exiting Sea to Sea. The
- Save and Load functions are easier to
- do on Frodo with Snapshop.0
- [WINNING THE GAME] Once you have a
- profitable operation, you will want
- to build your Transcontinental
- Railroad, connecting the Presidential
- Express train at Washington, D.C. to
- the station at San Francisco,
- California. Do [NOT] change the San
- Francisco station for the
- Presidential Express. For that
- station is encoded with a special
- value for the P-train. When all is
- ready, press CONTROL-P. Then press
- SHIFT-P to watch its historic
- progress.
- Have Fun -- and Happy Railroading!!!
- "The Mad Gamer" Harris just called
- and said that he had made it to the
- end of SEA TO SEA. It turns out that
- there's quite a spectacular payoff
- when you get to the end -- which I
- have yet to do.
- I asked Johnny, who gave the game
- "three enthusiastic thumbs up", if he
- could write up an article outlining
- the strategies he employed (to help
- those of us who were born without a
- strategy gland), and he said he
- would. Unfortunately, the deadline
- for this issue looms, so Johnny's
- help will be published next month. If
- you get stuck in Nebraska or
- somewhere, just wait till LOADSTAR
- #108 and The Mad Gamer will tell all.
- All aboard!
- FT
- [eL Note:] Fortunately all this
- "late breaking" stuff happened back
- in 1993. So we are pleased to offer
- Johnny's excellent Strategy article
- right here on eL002. It's the next
- one on the Menu.
- **** R > Run ENTER > Menu ***